Spotlight: Youth Mental Health in India

Mental health needs of 252 million young people aged 15-24 years in India are multifaceted and as important as their physical health. While India lacks a comprehensive approach to youth mental health, the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in an urgency to relook at the approaches and commitment accorded to mental health. Recognizing this, PATH with the support from Fondation Botnar, undertook a thorough process of scoping youth mental health needs, priorities, and preferences, and mapping of the stakeholders, policies, programs, legislations, and digital mental health initiatives across public and private sectors. This spotlight report is developed under the program – Stakeholder-led Advancement of Mental Health of Young People (SAMYP) at PATH and is based on multiple methods including desk review, document analysis, consultations with stakeholders including young people, their parents, teachers, service providers.
A Technical Advisory Group comprising multi-disciplinary experts in youth mental health and adolescent health, engagement of young people through workshops, and a Youth Advisory Group comprising of young people with a passion for working to improve youth mental health outcomes from Bhubaneshwar, Mumbai and Lucknow have guided this effort at various stages. The findings will add value to the existing body of knowledge and offers key recommendations to improve promotion of youth mental health in India based on emerging programmatic priorities of governments and stakeholders.

Publication date: August 2022

Spotlight: Youth Mental Health in India

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