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2291 Resource s
  1. The PATH Gender Strategy 2025 articulates our mission, vision, principles, and actions to drive gender equity in health.
    Published: July 2024
    Resource Page
  2. This document is intended as a how-to implementation guide for providing oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) via online pharmacy service delivery (ePrEP/ePEP) based on learnings and evidence from the ePrEP Kenya pilot study that ran from October 2022 through July 2024.The guide was developed to support ministries of health and their partners as they develop strategies for HIV prevention services—specifically, ePrEP and ePEP delivery through a telehealth and online pharmacy model. It outlines a suggested approach that can be tailored based on epidemiological, social, economic, health systems, and policy contexts. Service delivery partners should exercise flexibility and adapt these recommendations and tools to their specific contexts, available resources, and infrastructure.
    Published: July 2024
    Resource Page
    Training Material, Report
  3. Kenya’s Health NGOs Network (HENNET) is a network of over 100 civil society organizations (CSOs) working in health across all 47 counties in Kenya. HENNET coordinates and promotes the engagement of these CSOs to advocate for advancements in health policy.A member of HENNET since its inception, in 2019, PATH began providing consistent, strategic advocacy technical support to HENNET to increase its effectiveness by strengthening the network’s technical capacities, partnership management, operational functions, and financial management systems. Through PATH’s support, HENNET has increased its visibility and presence across critical health decision-making tables, contributed to and influenced key policy decisions, and strengthened its position as the national convener of health CSOs in Kenya.This brief details our partnership with HENNET to strengthen their capacity as part of our approach to driving sustainable policy change.
    Published: July 2024
    Resource Page
  4. Since 2016, PATH has supported the Kakamega County Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Civil Society Organizations Alliance (MNCH CSO Alliance) to advocate with local policymakers to advance the health of women and children in Kakamega.With Kenya’s devolved system of government bringing power and decision-making closer to the people, PATH recognized an opportunity to enable local partners to lead advocacy efforts and demand accountability from their own governments. Beginning in 2019, we took steps to transition leadership of the Alliance to a locally led organization that continues to lead the group today.Over the past several years, the Alliance has been instrumental in strengthening the MNCH policy landscape in the county. This brief details how PATH worked with the Alliance to strengthen their capacity to conduct key advocacy activities that have resulted in tangible improvements to the health system.
    Published: July 2024
    Resource Page
  5. Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including mental health conditions, present a significant challenge to public health and economies globally. The impact of NCDs and mental health conditions is particularly pronounced in the Asia–Pacific region, with a disproportionate burden on low– and middle–income countries.Through a joint effort, PATH and Asian Development Bank aim to drive the adoption of innovative technologies to elevate the management of NCDs and mental health at the primary care level.Together, we launched the ‘Technologies Beyond Borders’ innovations challenge to identify two well–suited innovations for implementation in primary health care settings, to enhance person–centered, high–quality care for NCDs and mental health. These selected technologies will receive support for feasibility assessment and preparation for deployment in primary health care facilities within the targeted Developing Member Countries in the Asian Development Bank portfolio, specifically Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and Uzbekistan.This compendium is a collection of promising innovations that emerged from the challenge, demonstrating great potential to make a significant impact on public health systems in low– and middle–income countries in the coming years.
    Published: July 2024
    Resource Page