Presentations on single dose HPV vaccination

Use these slide decks to share the evidence supporting a single-dose regimen of HPV vaccine. Visit the Single-Dose HPV Vaccine Evaluation Consortium page for additional resources.

Publication date: October 2023

Available materials

  1. Arabic

    1. Current evidence on single-dose HPV vaccination 8.9 MB PPTX
  2. Chinese

    1. HPV 疫苗单剂次接种 现有证据回顾 23.1 MB PPTX
  3. English

    1. Current evidence on single-dose HPV vaccination 22.6 MB PPTX
  4. French

    1. Vaccination à dose unique contre le HPV: aperçu approfondi des données probantes actuelles 21 MB PPTX
  5. Spanish

    1. Evaluación de la evidencia existente sobre la vacunación con una dosis de la vacuna contra el VPH 8.9 MB PPTX