Market Dynamics for MNCH Medical Devices (MD4MD) project

Medical devices play an essential role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH) in low- and middle-income countries. However, medical devices have unique characteristics that make them difficult to manage effectively, particularly in low-resource settings.

As countries experience rising life expectancy and a shift toward noncommunicable disease burden, demand is growing rapidly for device-intensive services like life support and chronic disease management. There is also an expectation that this growing need will be met with domestic rather than donor resources as countries move up in income status. Strengthening access to medical devices is therefore a critical area for health system investment.

This fact sheet offers an overview of the Market Dynamics for MNCH Medical Devices project (MD4MD), which aims to diagnose key barriers that impede access to MNCH medical devices in low- and middle-income countries and prioritize potential solutions to address these barriers.

Publication date: March 2021

Available materials

  1. English

    1. Market Dynamics for MNCH Medical Devices project factsheet 191.5 KB PDF
  2. French

    1. Projet sur la Dynamique du marché des dispositifs médicaux SMNI (MD4MD) 188.8 KB PDF