Global Fund Prospective Country Evaluation: 2020 Synthesis Findings

The Prospective Country Evaluation (PCE) is an embedded mixed-methods evaluation platform designed to examine the Global Fund business model, investments, and contribution to disease program outcomes and impact in eight countries. The PCE generates timely evidence to support program improvements and accelerate progress towards the objectives of the Global Fund 2017-2022 Strategy.

This report presents findings synthesized across the eight PCE countries in 2019 with a focus on evaluating progress and analyzing impact of grants funded through the 2017-2019 allocation and implemented during 2018-2019. Findings were structured around three out of the four Global Fund strategic objectives (SOs): grant implementation and contribution to disease impact (SO1); grant contribution to national Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health outcomes (SO2); and grant contribution to national program key population, human rights, and gender-related outcomes (SO3).

Publication date: February 2020

Global Fund PCE 2020 Synthesis Report

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