Economic Implications of Switching Rotavirus Vaccine Products in Palestine's Immunization Program

Switching from one vaccine product to another can have a significant impact on a country’s budget. For Palestine’s rotavirus vaccination program, a switch paid off.

This brief describes an economic analysis conducted by PATH in partnership with the Rostropovich-Vishnevskaya Foundation and the Palestinian Ministry of Health to assess the economic implications of Palestine's switch from ROTARIX to ROTAVAC.

Publication date: December 2020

Available materials

  1. Arabic

    1. الآثار الاقتصادية لاستبدال لقاح فيروس الروتا في برنامج التطعيم الفلسطيني 497.5 KB PDF
  2. English

    1. Economic Implications of Switching Rotavirus Vaccine Products in Palestine's Immunization Program 492.9 KB PDF
  3. French

    1. Implications Économiques du Changement de Vaccin Antirotavirus dans le Programme de Vaccination de la Palestine 252.8 KB PDF
  4. Russian

    1. Экономические последствия перехода с одного вида вакцины от ротавирусной инфекции на другой в рамках программы иммунизации в Палестине 249 KB PDF