Devices, Diagnostics, and Drugs to Address Women’s Needs (D3AWN) Product Development Partnership (PDP) Case Studies and Impact Stories

From 2018-2022, the Devices, Diagnostics, and Drugs to Address

Women’s Needs (D3AWN) Product Development Partnership (PDP)

program advanced a portfolio of four products for the prevention and

management of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and preeclampsia/

eclampsia (PE/E) in African markets: the Ellavi uterine balloon

tamponade (UBT), LifeAssay Test-it™ protein-to-creatinine (PrCr)

Urinalysis Dipstick Test, RELI Delivery system, and oxytocin in

sublingual fast-dissolving tablet formulation.

Publication date: September 2022

Available materials

    1. DAWN Impact Story Overview 1.3 MB PDF
    2. DAWN Impact Story Case Studies 56.6 KB PDF
    3. DAWN Impact Story Ellavi UBT 1.1 MB PDF
    4. DAWN Impact Story Oxytocin Fast Dissolving Tablet 246.5 KB PDF
    5. DAWN Impact Story PrCr 1.9 MB PDF
    6. DAWN Impact Story RELI 501 KB PDF