Cost and operational context of HPV vaccine delivery in six countries

PATH and immunization program managers in Ethiopia, Guyana, Rwanda, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Uganda conducted a study to understand the contextual and operational factors to deliver a two-dose human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination schedule and to estimate their ongoing delivery costs, from the perspective of the health system. These six fact sheets provide focused, high-level study results from each country, including key operational findings and the financial and economic costs per dose for the countries’ HPV vaccination programs.

Publication date: November 2023

Available materials

  1. English

    1. Cost and operational context of HPV vaccine delivery in Ethiopia 213.2 KB PDF
    2. Cost and operational context of HPV vaccine delivery in Guyana 216.3 KB PDF
    3. Cost and operational context of HPV vaccine delivery in Rwanda 287.2 KB PDF
    4. Cost and operational context of HPV vaccine delivery in Senegal 219.6 KB PDF
    5. Cost and operational context of HPV vaccine delivery in Sri Lanka 287.2 KB PDF
    6. Cost and operational context of HPV vaccine delivery in Uganda 224.9 KB PDF
  2. French

    1. Coût et contexte opérationnel de l’administration du vaccin anti-HPV au Sénégal 267 KB PDF