Advocacy Learning Lab: Decentralization Meeting Report

This report describes the key takeaways from PATH's Advocacy Learning Lab on decentralization held in Nairobi, Kenya in February 2019. This Learning Lab convened 125 attendees from seven African countries—Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, and Senegal.

PATH's Advocacy Learning Lab series aims to provide an opportunity for advocates, health practitioners, policy makers, data experts, and funders together to share learnings and experiences from their work on health policy and implementation. The interactive Learning Lab features a mix of sessions to impart knowledge, promote exchange of ideas, and facilitate action planning and applied learning both across countries and through deep-dives into individual country contexts.

Publication date: March 2019

Available materials

  1. English

    1. Advocacy Learning Lab: Decentralization 8 MB PDF

  2. French

    1. Laboratoire d’apprentissage de plaidoyer sur : La Décentralisation 8.2 MB PDF