Vaccine Presentation Resources

This banner and these handouts serve as resources for a vaccine presentation game in the project Optimize traveling exhibit—an exhibit featuring supply chain innovations being developed and tested in different countries around the world. The banner illustrates that while vaccine price is a big part of the total cost, there are many other important costs associated with each type of vaccine presentation that are less obvious, including costs for shipping, cold chain maintenance, and training.

Publication date: August 2013

Available materials

  1. English

    1. Vaccine Presentation Choices (handout) - PDF

      Hard copies are not available.

    2. Giving Immunizations (handout) - PDF

      Hard copies are not available.

  2. French

    1. Some Vaccine Costs Are Hidden Below the Surface (banner) - PDF

      Hard copies are not available.

    2. Some Vaccine Costs Are Hidden Below the Surface (banner) [French] - PDF

      Hard copies are not available.

    3. Vaccine Presentation Choices (handout) [French] - PDF

      Hard copies are not available.

    4. Giving Immunizations (handout) [French] - PDF

      Hard copies are not available.