Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage Job Aids

The USAID-funded Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage Initiative has six developed job aids to help educate individuals about the harmful effects of postpartum hemorrhage and the proper use of active management of the third stage of labor. Prevention and Initial Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage is available as one large file and two smaller files for easier downloading.

Publication date: December 2008

Available materials

    1. Prevention and Initial Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage: Rational Use of Uterotonic Drugs During Labour and Childbirth (entire document) - PDF
    2. Prevention and Initial Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage: Rational Use of Uterotonic Drugs During Labour and Childbirth (1 of 2) - PDF
    3. Prevention and Initial Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage: Rational Use of Uterotonic Drugs During Labour and Childbirth (2 of 2) - PDF
    4. Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor (AMTSL) (job aid) - PDF
    5. USAID/BASICS/POPPHI: Integration of AMTSL and ENC - PDF
    6. Management of Uterotonic Drugs: Documenting Movement of Uterotonic Drugs - PDF
    7. Storage of Uterotonic Drugs in the Pharmacy - PDF
    8. Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor (AMTSL) (poster) - PDF