Reproductive health literacy and empowerment program

Women and couples have the right to decide for themselves whether and when to have children—including the right to complete and accurate information
about family planning, and how different contraceptive methods work.

Long-standing, ingrained myths and misconceptions about modern contraceptives can impede women and couples from exercising their reproductive health rights.

That’s why PATH designed and implemented the Reproductive Health Literacy and Empowerment Program in Mayuge District, Uganda. The unmet need for family planning in this region remains high—28% of married women and 32% of sexually active women want to stop or delay childbearing, but are not using any method of contraception.

Knowledge about reproductive health (reproductive health literacy), combined with the agency to make decisions and act on them (empowerment), can
help women and couples realize their reproductive health rights.

Publication date: January 2019

Reproductive Health Literacy and Empowerment Program Brief

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