On the verge of RSV disease prevention: A communications toolkit

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major, under–recognized public health problem causing more severe respiratory infections and hospitalizations in infants and young children each year than any other pathogen. New immunization tools have achieved licensure that could help change that.

The opportunity to address this pervasive virus has never been better. To raise awareness, PATH and the World Health Organization are developing an evolving toolkit of communication materials that public health stakeholders and advocates can use to share information about RSV disease, new prevention tools, and delivery considerations. Other expert contributors include the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Seattle Children's Hospital/University of Washington, UMC Utrecht, RRD Design, and more.

To accommodate varying audience and engagement needs, this toolkit includes a stand-alone RSV primer presentation (and fact sheet) providing an overview of RSV disease and prevention options. Also available are modular PowerPoint slides that can be mixed and matched with the primer presentation to dive deeper into key topics for informing understanding and decision-making around RSV prevention. All slides come with speaker notes.

To learn more about the toolkit, visit the web page.

NOTE: Files available here as read-only. Editable files are readily available upon request. Please contact us.

Publication date: June 2024

Available materials

  1. English

    1. On the verge of RSV disease prevention: a primer presentation 7.6 MB PPTX

      PowerPoint presentation slides and speaker notes providing a high-level overview of RSV disease, its burden, new prevention tools, and delivery considerations. (Updated June 2024)

    2. RSV primer fact sheet 545.6 KB PDF

      A fact sheet summarizing the content included in the RSV primer presentation. (Updated June 2024)

    3. Module: Clinical presentation of RSV disease in young children 794.3 KB PPTX

      A clinical overview of RSV disease, how it impacts the respiratory system, symptoms, what severe disease looks like, and how RSV disease is currently managed, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. (Updated October 2023)

    4. Module: Global and regional RSV disease burden 10 MB PPTX

      A summary of RSV’s disease burden among infants and young children, including global RSV mortality and morbidity estimates as well as regional estimates of RSV disease by age distribution, mortality, and morbidity. (Updated June 2024)

    5. Module: New RSV prevention products 4.6 MB PPTX

      A reflection on the RSV vaccine development story and a deeper look at currently licensed products designed to protect infants from RSV disease, including maternal vaccine and long-acting monoclonal antibodies. (Updated June 2024)

    6. Module: The economics of RSV prevention 4 MB PPTX

      A detailed summary of cost, health impact, and cost-effectiveness considerations for RSV maternal vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. (Updated June 2024)

    7. Module: RSV immunization approaches for protecting infants 5.7 MB PPTX

      A look at how maternal immunization and monoclonal antibodies given soon after birth work, and why they are flagship approaches for preventing RSV disease in infants. (Updated June 2024)

    8. Module: RSV immunization pipeline to global policy 5.5 MB PPTX

      A discussion of policy issues on the pathway to RSV prevention for infants and young children in low- and middle-income markets, including vaccine introduction timeline drivers; global policy and WHO prequalification processes; immunization financing; and country policy-making. (Updated June 2024)

    9. Module: RSV prevention product implementation 1.7 MB PPTX

      A highlight of factors relevant to the implementation of new RSV immunization products and adaptations that may be needed to introduce and scale in low- and middle-income country contexts. (Updated June 2024)

    10. Module: RSV surveillance in infants and young children 1.4 MB PPTX

      A discussion of key surveillance concepts as they pertain to RSV and informing public health action, including sentinel surveillance’s role as a key option for low- and middle-income countries to track RSV disease activity, as well as additional surveillance options. (Updated June 2024)

    11. Module: RSV prevention in older adults 3.4 MB PPTX

      An overview of the current state of RSV prevention in older adults, including information on clinical presentation, disease burden, licensed vaccines, and considerations on the pathway to broader markets. (Updated June 2024)

  2. French

    1. Au seuil de la prévention des infections à virus respiratoire syncytial: une présentation préliminaire 5.7 MB PPTX

      Diapositives de présentation PowerPoint et notes du conférencier fournissant un aperçu général de la maladie à VRS, de son fardeau, des nouveaux outils de prévention et des considérations en matière de mise en œuvre. (Disponible ici en lecture seule. Fichier modifiable disponible sur demande.)

  3. Spanish

    1. En el umbral de la prevención de la enfermedad causada por el VSR: una presentación preliminario 5.7 MB PPTX

      Diapositivas de presentación en PowerPoint y notas del orador que brindan una descripción general de alto nivel de la enfermedad por VSR, su carga, nuevas herramientas de prevención y consideraciones de administración. (Disponible aquí como de solo lectura. Archivo editable disponible a pedido).