Evaluating the Sure Chill Long-Term Passive Device in Senegal: Field Evaluation Report
This report summarizes the results of PATH’s field evaluation of Sure Chill’s long-term passive device for the use of cold storage of vaccines in Senegal and provides important feedback in terms of thermal performance, end-user inputs, and perceptions at the Ministry of Health of the potential impact of the device on vaccine storage and availability in Senegal.
Publication date: December 2016
Available materials
Evaluating the Sure Chill Long-Term Passive Device in Senegal: Field Evaluation Report
Hard copies are not available.
Evaluating the Sure Chill Long-Term Passive Device in Senegal: Field Evaluation Report
Evaluating the Sure Chill Long-Term Passive Device in Senegal: Field Evaluation Report [French]
Hard copies are not available.
Evaluating the Sure Chill Long-Term Passive Device in Senegal: Field Evaluation Report [French]