Plasmodium vivax tool brief: Point-of-care G6PD diagnostics

This brief aims to provide an overview of point-of-care (POC) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) diagnostics and to point readers in the direction of additional in-depth resources. The content below explains why G6PD testing is necessary, how G6PD status is classified and measured, which diagnostics are commercially available and what studies have been conducted with them, and considerations for successfully adopting G6PD testing. The audiences that may find this brief most useful are national malaria program staff, malaria project implementers, and others seeking a high-level understanding of G6PD diagnostics that could be used in malaria elimination efforts. The information contained within this document was accurate to our knowledge at the time of publication, but please bear in mind that this is a fast-moving field of emerging evidence.

Publication date: September 2022

P.vivax tool brief: G6PD diagnostics

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