New data show malaria control efforts having a dramatic impact in Zambia

September 22, 2008 by PATH

Preliminary findings of Zambia’s 2008 malaria indicator survey show that the country’s intervention efforts are having a dramatic effect on controlling malaria. The findings, released today by Zambia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Brian Chituwo, indicate that many more households have access to insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs), and far fewer children are being sickened by the disease. Read more about the findings on Zambia’s National Malaria Control Centre website.

Zambia’s commitment and success in strengthening delivery systems to rapidly scale up proven interventions—including ITNs, indoor spraying of insecticide, and prevention and lifesaving medicines—are directly benefiting the health of its people while also positioning Zambia as a leader among countries working to control malaria. The Malaria Control and Evaluation Partnership (MACEPA) at PATH is a committed partner in Zambia’s efforts.

Interventions making a difference

Among the survey’s key preliminary findings between 2006 and 2008:

  • Across Zambia, malaria parasite prevalence among children under age five dropped by half, and moderate to severe anemia was reduced by more than 60 percent. Malaria contributes to anemia in children and pregnant women.
  • More than 4.5 million ITNs were delivered to households in Zambia’s six most rural provinces through a mass distribution effort. More than two-thirds of Zambian households are now covered with at least one ITN or have recently had their homes sprayed to keep mosquitoes at bay.
  • Eighty percent of pregnant women received at least one dose of preventive medicine from antenatal clinics, and more than 65 percent received two or more doses.

MACEPA congratulates Zambia for its scale-up against malaria. The country’s success to date demonstrates that, through strong national leadership, partner commitment, and sufficient funds, the health and economic burden of malaria can be rapidly and dramatically reduced in Africa.

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